One Reply to “All Stressed Out and Everywhere to Go”

  1. The article is preaching to the choir. Those who read the article where it originally appeared are, for the most part, people who have experienced business travel to some extent. People who have not been subjected to that experience will probably be reading somewhere else. The stresses seem to be worse now than in previous decades.
    Those of us who have lived that life are absolutely in agreement with the the claims for the stress it induces. Those who have never done that kind of travel generally seem to misunderstand how stressful it can be. It seems that I was often being asked questions of the sort: “While you were in _____ did you get to see _____?” There were people who could not believe that a “visit” to a location rarely permits the opportunity to eat a relaxed meal and certainly doesn’t allow sightseeing. But we all have our war stories.

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