What would you pay to find out how much pain your pet was in?

Having personally spent a good deal of time worrying about my dog and wondering what yelps of pain really mean – is she in pain all the time?  just when she yelps?  how much pain?  does it just startle her or is is excruciating? – I know I would pay a significant amount of money to answer the question "how much pain is my dog in?"  Well, now, thanks to an Ohio nurse, I can find out.   She’s developed a $600, palm sized device that measures stress, a good indicator of pain level.  She’s selling them to vets, but I bet wealthy individuals would be willing to buy them, and I bet a whole bunch of us would be willing to rent them when trying to diagnose chronic health problems in our pets.

Ohio researcher designs, builds device to measure pets’ pain

How much would you pay to find out how much pain your pet was in?

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