Snorkeling at Monkey Point

We sailed to Jost Van Dyke today and anchored next to Foxy’s Taboo. 

On the way over we stopped at Monkey Point for some awesome
snorkeling.  Big coral with lots of ledges.  Lots of fish of different
kinds and sizes.  Caves.  And I saw a turtle! About 2.5 feet in
diameter. I floated right over him for a while until he decided he
wasn’t sure what I was and swam off.

We motored a lot today as their was little to no wind but a huge storm coming up behind us.  After we anchored, we had our lesson standing in the cockpit so that at least our heads would stay dry because nobody wanted to sit in the hot steamy cabin.

We took our last test (of three) today and we all passed!  After the test we went over our wrong answers as a group and I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time!  We all went over why we had picked the answer we did and our reasoning (or guessing) was often hilarious – even to ourselves.