Dads are great, even unprepared, maybe even because they are unprepared

I was driving home from the airport last night when I got a call from Frank saying ‘Come to the softball field! I forgot the diaper bag!’ 

I was driving along all annoyed that it was eight o’clock at night and Caleb hadn’t had dinner when I started remembering some of the good times I had with my dad.  Like the time we snowmobiled from one town to another in Alaska with no extra clothes or safety gear much less dinner!  (Did I mention I was six years old and my sister was four?)  Or the time I got a piggy back ride down a cliff to see a "bear’s cave."  I don’t even remember how old I was during that one.  Did those experiences make me more comfortable jumping on a plane alone to visit India?  Or going horse back riding for a week in Australia?  Or meeting a big potential client for the first time?  You bet.  So maybe unprepared dads and missing dinner isn’t such a bad thing.  I relaxed and went to rescue Caleb (or was it rescuing Frank?) at the softball fields.  At least Caleb was very happy to see me!