A good article on Mommy Blogs

I don’t think Stormy’s Corner is a 100% mommy blog but sometimes it’s more mommy blog than other times.  The Denver Post has a good article today about mommy blogs (and how much money they are making for some women.)  The opening paragraph had me laughing.  I definitely had that "nasty case of whiplash!"

Julie Marsh started blogging as she
recovered from a nasty case of the type of whiplash women often
experience after shifting at warp speed into motherhood.

A move to southeast-suburban Parker only a few weeks
before had compounded her malady. Her husband wanted to pursue a great
job opportunity. Her kids – a toddler and an infant – would love their
new fenced-in backyard.

Bye-bye, awesome job at a New York City music company,
Marsh thought. Hello, stay-at-home mommydom. Bye-bye bustling
neighborhood filled with friends, boutiques and coffee shops. Hello
chain restaurants, strip malls and driving, driving and more driving.

Fortunately, my blog didn’t make enough money for us to live off of.  I say fortunately because I don’t think sitting at home writing all day would be my favorite career … now if they write a blog post a day and make it … well, then, I need to work on my writing!