Digital pens

Frank bought me an io2 digital pen a while back and I love it.  I take notes at home and at work and then I upload them all to my computer – you can search them then.  So I have:

  • a backup of my notes (I was always really afraid I’d lose my notebook) and
  • I have copies of old notebooks without carrying them around and
  • I can search them!

My one complaint would be that you have to use their notebooks and they don’t have any graph paper – it’s all line ruled.  On the other hand, the memory and battery life have been outstanding.  I really miss my Miquelrius leather like journals but not enough to give up the benefits of an io2!

Leapfrog – the company that makes the computer like books – also makes a digital pen for kids.  It works like the io2 but does more – it actually reads back what you write and has programs to help you with writing, foreign languages and math!