My Pants Fell Off!

We’ve been eating "low carb" since Thanksgiving.  The first month or so I lost 10 pounds and then nothing happened even though I continued to be good.  Whenever anybody asked me how it was going, I’d say we’re being good and it’s working really well for Frank (my boyfriend.)  And I’d go on to explain that I’m eating a lot less because I’m not as hungry as I used to be.  I think eating less is a good thing as I used to eat continuously.

Last week I put on a suit in my hotel room getting ready for my keynote presentation and I looked down and thought "who let my pant hems out??"  My pants were so long I was standing on them!  So I grabbed the waist and pulled up and discovered I had a good 4 or 5 extra inches!  With a bit of work and creative use of my belt – on the smallest hole, I managed to come up with a solution that looked decent.  When the guy that put the mic on me suggested I take off my jacket, I looked at him just horrified.  "Well, you see, but, I’ve lost some weight … NO!"

So it’s going good.

P.S.  This post is my entry for a free trip to BlogHer.  It’s also a true story.  The conference was SCALE and my keynote was "Would you do it again for free?"