Web Food for June

Bumper stickers reveal link to road rage : Nature News
People who had a larger number of personalized items on or in their car
were 16% more likely to engage in road rage, the researchers report in
the journal Applied Social Psychology1.

What Thomas Edison Can Teach You about Blogging

Most blogs are abandoned after a month or two…. the average time that it takes a blog to rise to the top of the pile is around 3 years (it’s now longer).

Lost in E-Mail, Tech Firms Face Self-Made Beast – NYTimes.com

“e-mail apnea,” coined by the writer Linda Stone, which refers to the
way that people, when struck by the volume of new messages in their
in-boxes, unconsciously hold their breath.

Lost in E-Mail, Tech Firms Face Self-Made Beast – NYTimes.com
typical information worker who sits at a computer all day turns to his
e-mail program more than 50 times and uses instant messaging 77 times,
according to one measure by RescueTime, a company that analyzes
computer habits.

Traveltalkonline: Sailing the BVIs Vs Grenadines
what its worth, I heard this perspective from a sailor with much more
experience than me – "sailing in BVI is cruising on training wheels."

Long vs. Short Articles as Content Strategy
A good editor should be able to cut 40 percent of the word count while removing only 30 percent of an article’s value.

How we read online. – By Michael Agger – Slate Magazine

Nielsen holds that on-screen reading is 25 percent slower than reading on paper.

Traveltalkonline: Long Bay Bch Resort vs Sebastian’s Seaside Villas?

For an extra $50 a night, Malcolm will leave the freezer door open with a fan in front. Just ask!!

Is Google Making Us Stupid?
myself in a book or a lengthy article used to be easy. My mind would
get caught up in the narrative or the turns of the argument, and I’d
spend hours strolling through long stretches of prose. That’s rarely
the case anymore. Now my concentration often starts to drift after two
or three pages. I get fidgety, lose the thread, begin looking for
something else to do. I feel as if I’m always dragging my wayward brain
back to the text. The deep reading that used to come naturally has
become a struggle.

Bob Sutor: Open Blog | Why I stopped using Twitter
I think I made the wrong decision to post the tweets to my blog. They
should have been ephemeral, said and gone. Anything that warranted
posting to the blog should have had its own entry.

Findings – Futurist Ray Kurzweil Sees a Revolution Fueled by Information Technology – NYTimes.com
you depressed by the prospect of dying? Well, if you can hang on
another 15 years, your life expectancy will keep rising every year
faster than you’re aging.

Findings – Futurist Ray Kurzweil Sees a Revolution Fueled by Information Technology – NYTimes.com
about greenhouse gas emissions? Have faith. Solar power may look
terribly uneconomical at the moment, but with the exponential progress
being made in nanoengineering, Dr. Kurzweil calculates that it’ll be
cost-competitive with fossil fuels in just five years, and that within
20 years all our energy will come from clean sources.

Findings – Futurist Ray Kurzweil Sees a Revolution Fueled by Information Technology – NYTimes.com
you have trouble sticking to a diet? Have patience. Within 10 years,
Dr. Kurzweil explained, there will be a drug that lets you eat whatever
you want without gaining weight.

mikesimonsen: just noticed I spent more on Coffee (~$80) in May than I did on gasoline (~$60). Fuel’s fuel, right?