Stormy’s Update: Weeks of March 8th & 15th

This is my update for work done for the GNOME Foundation. For a higher level overview for what I do as the Executive Director, see What do I do as Executive Director of the GNOME Foundation? or my earlier updates.

Attended Open Mobility. Was on a panel about the desktop and the cloud. There was lots of audience participation and the conversation took a couple of strange turns with Google and Google apps being a good piece of the conversation.

While I was there I met with Gabi Schindler from Azingo and Morgan Gillis and Andrew Shikiar from the LiMo Foundation. Plus quite a few other people.

While in San Francisco I also met with Adam Dingle and Jim Nelson from Yorba and had lunch with the whole crew.  I was really impressed with their mission to create easy to use multimedia software (for GNOME!) for artists. Check out Shotwell.

Blogged about Friends of GNOME results.

Simon Phipps left  the GNOME advisory board as he left Sun. Thanks to Simon for all the help over the years. Good luck to him in his future endeavors!

Got access to our Google Checkout account and added Jaap so we can add it to Friends of GNOME. We can receive donations without fees through Google Checkout thanks to our Google Grant.

Blogged about GNOME and Project:Possibility – students are working on GNOME accessibility!

Attended Board meeting. (Didn’t attend the advisory board meeting as I was on a plane.)

Thanked new subscribers and one time donators to Friends of GNOME.

Talked to InitMarketing about GNOME and marketing and how they might be able to help.

Reviewed Juanjo Marin’s GNOME SWOT Analysis which should be published wider soon. Please comment on it when it is.

Worried about GNOME representation at Texas Linux Fest and  Idlelo – looks like all will be good! (Backup plan would be for me to go to Ghana.)

Announced dates for marketing hackfest.

Attended marketing IRC meeting.

Did some paperwork – some to officially get on GNOME’s bank account, expense reports, etc.

Reviewed several press releases. Very glad we have Zonker on board!

Was on multiple threads about the event box – glad we have Larry Cafeiro on board!

Met with Fluendo and Flumotion to talk about GUADEC.

Met with Bharat Kapoor and Paul Cutler to talk about the mobile texting donations campaign, reviewed agreement from company, got legal review on it, setting up a meeting to discuss concerns.

Met every week with Rosanna.

Met with several board members individually. Some to discuss my goals, others finance, and some other topics.

Experimented with Inbox 0. Usually I use my inbox as a todo list, even emailing myself action items. The last two weeks I’ve played with keeping my inbox at 0 at keeping my todo list more uptodate. I think it’s resulted in a different set of things getting done. Things that are more of a pain to add to the todo list than they are todo get done quickly. Those that are a little more involved get moved to my todo list where they are less visible in some way. Maybe I need to spend more time studying and rearranging my todo list! I’m going to continue the experiment for a bit.

Took an extra long weekend to hang out with family from out of town.

Stormy’s Update: Week of March 1st

This is my update for work done for the GNOME Foundation. For a higher level overview for what I do as the Executive Director, see What do I do as Executive Director of the GNOME Foundation? or my earlier updates.

Followed up on several sponsors for GUADEC. It is looking good from a sponsorship perspective! (Don’t forget to submit your talk proposal!)

Michael Meeks joined the GNOME Foundation Advisory Board representing Novell, replacing Gary Ekker.

Set up some surveys for the board directors to give feedback on each others’ performance.

Way too much time and energy on Foundation List threads. Really liked Dave’s post about consensus driven conversations. Hopefully everyone follows Vincent’s advice and refocuses on making GNOME rock and making the GNOME project a fun place to work.

Short meeting with Jorge Castro who’s been really busy in his new board role!

Board meeting.

Meeting with Rosanna. She’s adding info to the CRM system. I’m trying to help her with Friends of GNOME. Planning a trip to Boston to get on the GNOME Foundation’s bank account.

Looking for someone to help out with the GNOME booth at Texas Linux Fest.

Meeting with Jeffrey Altman about the Meet the Funders event in New York.

Set up some meetings for my trip to San Francisco and Open Mobility next week.

Helped/asked/pushed for some press releases. Hopefully you’ll see some of them soon. (Thanks to Zonker for leading the GNOME press team!)

Wrote thank you emails to people that donated to GNOME.

Generated Google Adwords Campaign Tracking code. Gave it to Jaap and Claus to add to our Friends of GNOME pages.

Sent questions to advisor interviewee for Board of Advisors GNOME Journal interview.

Generated Friends of GNOME February data. Need to blog about it on Foundation blog.

Tried to take a day off to deal with doctors’ appointments and dentist appointments and accountants among other things.

Next week:

  • Trip to San Francisco. Speaking on a panel at Open Mobility.
  • Get the Meet the Funders event planning moving. We’ve scheduled them for May.
  • Continue to work on GUADEC sponsorships.
  • Try to touch base with a few GNOME Board of Advisors folks.
  • Write letter for annual report.
  • Blog about February Friends of GNOME data.

Stormy’s Update: Weeks of February 15th and 22nd

This is my update for work done for the GNOME Foundation. For a higher level overview for what I do as the Executive Director, see What do I do as Executive Director of the GNOME Foundation? or my earlier updates.

I think the number of different projects and conversations I am having has maxed out my multiprocessing capabilities. This week I am going to spend more time logged out of email and working on one project at a time.

Last week I:

  • Presented at IASA. Great conversation. Very interactive group. Made a couple of local government contacts – people involved in promoting open source in government IT infrastructure.
  • Attended OSS Watch phone Advisory Board
  • Worked on GUADEC sponsorship. It’s coming along well. Still waiting for a lot of people to finalize plans through.
  • Advisory board meetings. Met with several more adboard members – still haven’t met with everyone though!
  • Board meeting.
  • GNOME Foundation IRC meeting.
  • Several good meetings with Rosanna.
  • Updating the Friends of GNOME gifts spreadsheet for Rosanna (ping her a lot with questions.) I sent her the list of Friends of GNOME Adopt a Hacker folks who have earned their tshirt!
  • Sent new Adopt a Hacker folks contact info to people that will send them post cards.
  • Settled on date and location for Meet the Funders in California. Need to finalize date for New York.
  • Looked into adding conversion tracking to our GNOME ads on Google Adwords.
  • Attended Women’s Caucus meeting. They will have an all day track Sunday at Libre Planet.
  • Attended the Grace Hopper Open Source track committee meeting.
  • Didn’t attend the OpenWorld Forum meeting as they only dial in number was an international number.
  • Agreed to give GNOME keynote at LinuxTag. Johannes Schmid agreed to put together the GNOME track. Please contact him if you are interested in speaking about GNOME at LinuxTag.
  • Sent out thank you email to Friends of GNOME.
  • Worried about all the GNOME folks in Chile.
  • I think we are almost ready to launch the Friends of GNOME ruler. At least it looks very good and I wrote an intro email for the launch!
  • Students on Project Possibility picked several GNOME projects – work on Caribou and Orca.
  • Worked on GNOME’s participation at Idlelo 4. Vincent is also working on this.
  • Had a gazillion email conversations on a trillion different topics.

This week:

  • Letter for annual report.
  • Friends of
    & Google ads: conversion tracking codes and landing pages.
  • Finish Friends of GNOME gift spreadsheet update.
  • Make sure all GNOME events are on track and well represented by speakers. Help if I can. (Finding people, not attending them all!)
  • Catch up on all my email conversations and make sure nobody is waiting on me …

I get very little feedback to these updates. Feel free to leave feedback, ideas or comments!

Stormy’s Update: Week of February 8th

This is my update for work done for the GNOME Foundation. For a higher level overview for what I do as the Executive Director, see What do I do as Executive Director of the GNOME Foundation? or my earlier updates.

Attended the FOSS Workshop. This was an event of mostly university researchers with some invited industry and project attendees (like myself.) The goal was/is to come up with proposals for NSF grants to study free and open source software. The discussions and writing took place over 2.5 days and evenings and I was impressed at the discussion that happened and the proposals that were starting to take shape. I pushed for less studying how projects work (I feel like we know that) and more studying how people (including students and companies) can get involved. There were also proposals for studying how the open source model can be applied to other industries (other than software), how different cultures get involved, business models, etc. I was also impressed at how long all the professors could focus on the project. I could have used some more email/voice mail/blog/twitter breaks. 🙂

Met with a few more GNOME advisory board members. A few more meetings to go. It’s good to catch up with everyone and their plans so far. (No big secrets.)

Exchanged email with FOSSFA about an event they are doing in Africa and about how GNOME could participate with some training.

Talked to several people about GNOME a11y, usability and the hackfests in London and at CSUN.

Provided quote for XIPWIRE press release. They are accepting donations for free and open software projects like GNOME free of charge.

Welcomed Gary Ekker as Novell’s representative to the GNOME advisory board.

This week for sure:

  • Presenting at IASA.
  • AtteSuperstickiesnding OSS Watch phone Advisory Board Meeting.
  • Working on GUADEC sponsorship.
  • At least 4 more meetings with advisory board meetings.
  • Board meeting.
  • Meeting with Rosanna.
  • Pinging a lot of people about a lot of things …

This week hopefully:

  • Settle on dates for the Meet the Funders events.
  • Letter for annual report.
  • Catching up on email.
  • Landing pages for Friends of GNOME hits from Google ads.

More Women in GNOME Now!

The GNOME community is extremely diverse when it comes to nationality. But we don't have many women working on GNOME.

We want to make sure that women interested in working on GNOME know they are welcome, so we have announced the

                GNOME Outreach Program for Women!

The goal is to encourage women to participate in GNOME and to provide internship opportunities in the summer.

IStock_000002762853XSmall We noticed a problem back in 2006. We had 181 submissions for Google’s Summer of Code – and not one was from a woman. So Hanna Wallach and Chris Ball launched the Women's Summer Outreach Program. We received a 100 applications from women that summer and were able to accept 6 – six women were paid to work on GNOME and mentored by GNOME developers. (Sponsored primarily with a grant from Google.) Recently Marina Zhurakhinskaya followed up with those women and decided we should do it again and expand on the program.

So we are once again doing a GNOME Outreach Program for Women.

How can you help?

  • Encourage women to apply to the program!
  • Mentor a woman in the program.
  • Contribute financially to help pay the stipends.
  • Convince a company to sponsor the program.
  • Encourage your company to hire a female intern to work on GNOME.

Please help! Spread the word! Encourage women to join GNOME!

Should you ask developers for money? And other interesting fundraising dilemnas.

300x300_cjohnson Chris Blizzard introduced me to Clay Johnson. I had such an interesting time talking to him about social networking, free and open source software, governments and fundraising that I asked if he’d share some of his points in a blog interview.

Meet Clay Johnson, Director of Sunlight Labs!

Hi Clay, you have a lot of experience with online social networking. Where’d you get that experience?

It’s weird– I started out with social networking before social networking was called “social networking.” In college, back in the early days of the web, my Dad would always ask me to look things up on the Internet for him. I began to get tired of answering questions, so I built a service that would let people ask questions and answer them online– that way, I figured, he could have a whole community of people answering his questions. That was, the first “social network” I built on my own.
A few years later, I found myself working on the same kind of project with some friends called, which was a social networking service built into Outlook. And shortly thereafter, the Howard Dean Campaign hired me to be their lead programmer and build Dean Link, a privately branded social network. Then quickly found myself starting the company that created— yet
another social network.
It isn’t intentional, I swear! I find both socialness, and networking exhausting …

You now work at Sunlight Labs on “opening” the American government.
What’s that about? How can we help?

Our mission is to use technology to make government more open, accessible and accountable to its citizens. We’re now a community of about 1400 developers at Last year our community built out about 100 different open source applications based on making government more open accountable,  accessible and open.
The apps range from things like–which allows you to sort and view information about Congress, to— our own Open Source Mechanical Turk, to which takes data from the federal government and makes it relevant to your area and— a site that takes the Federal Register (the official Journal of the Federal Government) and turns it into something people can actually read.
Our hope is that our work will result in economic opportunity (GPS, Weather Data, the Human Genome– all built on government data!), a more accountable government, and more rational political debate as people have more access to facts. The fact that there’s more data on Manny Ramirez and his job performance than Nancy Pelosi’s is kind of crazy and we hope to change that.

I’ve heard you say you should never ask a developer for money. Most free and open source software projects turn to those they know best, developers, when they need funds. Why do you think that’s a bad idea?

Let me hedge here a little and say you shouldn’t ask a volunteer for money. For the same reason the folks at
Habitat for Humanity don’t come and ask you for money while you’re putting up drywall in one of their houses. There’s a spectrum when it comes to open source software. One one side there are projects that are
driven out of the hope for a larger good– I’d call these traditional volunteer projects– where people are  donating their time to help make the world a better place. Then there’s the other hand: stuff that’s driven out of necessity. Obviously this is a spectrum and projects move within it. When you have stuff on the ideological side– stuff built genuinely not out of the desire to solve a specific problem, but to make the world a better place, then those developers are likely already donating to your project with their time.  They’re being altruistic already. When you have a developer giving their time out of
necessity, they’re getting a return on their investment– usually a more efficient workplace, better software for them to use, or some other personal need filled. It’s entirely appropriate to ask them for money as well– as their return on investment will be even greater.
How do you think free software projects can effectively engage with donors?

Now if I had the secret to make all open source software economically sustainable and as well funded as
commercial software every time– well, I’d have told everyone by now, and we’d all be rich working on  projects we believe in. In the political world there’s a lot of best practices, but the one I like the most is to maintain long-term relationships with people via email and social media, and to make specific asks from them. So, for instance instead of saying “Donate to keep this project sustainable,” one could say “We need to build out XYZ, can you pay for ONE line of code to go to that project? Our estimate is that it’ll take X lines of code.”
Another thing you can do is look at what the clean energy community is doing– what if you created a code offset like we have carbon offsets now? What if an organization set up a website where folks could estimate the amount of free software they use and buy free software offsets on an annual basis, and make investments in free software projects? This works great because it helps donors alleviate their guilt for not contributing their time to open source projects, and makes it easy. I’d gladly put an open source offset sticker on my laptop to match my carbon offset sticker in my car.

How can we get donors participating in the project?

Allow donors to fund the projects they care about. Give them a voice in the project. Don’t just enable their participation but expect it. Build an email list and talk to them about what it is they want. Don’t send newsletters, send real emails asking them to help out. Give them a meaningful way to participate and what’ll happen is unusual: they’ll participate.

Do you have any fundraising tips for us?

Here’s what’s amazing: when you give users an active role in your community. They’ll participate more. So find ways to get them involved. For something like GNOME, come up with some principles, and get your users to sign on to them and you’ll find that if you ask them to help fundraise, they’ll do it.

What’s the single most important thing you think free software projects
could do to improve their fundraising efforts?

Start reading emails from organizations like and and start emulating them and their tactics. You don’t have to agree with them politically to see how they’re doing what they’re doing.
A lot of people are going to call me crazy, but look: I’d argue that GNOME has as much if not more installations than the number of people that are subscribed to’s email list. And unlike, a lot of these users are interacting with your software every day, not just when an email pops up in their inbox or when something happens in Washington.

What is Sunlight labs going to do next? What can we expect to see in open government?

We’re focused on launching a new contest a few short weeks. It’ll be a design contest. We want to make it so that by 2011, people who can come to and find the team they need to open their government. Developers are a part of that, but designers are too.

Stormy’s Update: Weeks of January 25th and February 1st

This is my update for work done for the GNOME Foundation. For a higher level overview for what I do as the Executive Director, see What do I do as Executive Director of the GNOME Foundation? or my earlier updates.

Edited a GNOME Journal article. Check out the latest issue with its multimedia focus!

Published the GNOME Q4 2009 Quarterly Report! Thanks to all the teams that wrote things up – we have some great write-ups about some awesome work.

Submitted the GNOME Google Adwords account for approval. I was bummed when the automated response says it could take up to three months to get approval. However, it was approved within a few days! We’ve been running ads for Friends of GNOME and Women’s Outreach for the past week or so. I’ve played with the keywords and ads some and gotten some feedback from the marketing list as well. Anyone with experience with Google Adwords would be appreciated!

Conversations with several board members about how things are going for the Board and how things are running with the GNOME Foundation.

Many one on one conversations with GNOME Advisory Board members. These were mostly brief chats 20-30 minutes about how things were going for them and how we could best work together. Discussed things like hackfests and GUADEC as well.

Friends of GNOME update for December 2009 and January 2010. We had a stellar 2009! In 2009, Friends of GNOME raised $29,578 for
GNOME! That is the same amount raised by 3 large companies. From
community contributions. It’s enough for several hackfests and close to
the amount needed annually for a part time system administrator. In December we raised $2,663, more than any other December. Spread the word!

Sent thank you’s to people who donated money to GNOME. Sent a few postcards out for the Adopt a Hacker program. Sent on addresses to others who also owe thank you postcards.

GNOME Jobs. Heard about several GNOME jobs and asked people to post them on the GNOME Jobs board.

Had 1:1 meeting with Rosanna. Still working with her to try to get her workload balanced.

GNOME Board of Directors meeting.

Pinged a lot of people about a lot of things. Including GUADEC sponsorships.

Checked on getting a Euro account for the GNOME Foundation. Found one option that is good for large amounts but has excessive wire fees for small amounts.

Attended the Women in Free Software IRC meeting.

Attended a “Benchmarking Women Leadership” event put on by the White House Project. I was expecting more data about the new report but instead I met a lot of interesting people that may be able to help with contacts for the GNOME Outreach Program
for Women

Started planning a “Meet the Funders” event with other free software projects. We’ll invite people from Foundations and other funders to learn more about free software projects.

This week:

What should the GNOME Foundation accomplish in 2010?

We’ve been working on the GNOME Foundation’s goals for 2010. We distributed them for comment on the Foundation list. I’ve also created a quick survey if you want to show which goals you like. (The results from this survey are now available.)

In addition to the goals, we also need:

  • Metrics. How will we know if we’ve accomplished the goal?
  • Goals (and metrics) for me. How can I best help make these goals a reality?

If you use GNOME, you should let us know what you think the Foundation should accomplish in 2010!

Feel free to comment on the existing goals or to suggest new ones.

  1. Provide GNOME 3.0 for everyone – a more usable, accessible and modern desktop.
    • Show leadership in the desktop space.
      • Become a desktop thought leader
      • Show people the possibilities of a desktop
      • Become a user experience thought leader
    • Release GNOME 3.0 in September
      • Get corporate cooperation for the GNOME 3.0 release
      • Get partner cooperation for GNOME 3.0 release
    • Deliver a product that has been well tested for usability and accessibility needs.
      • Make sure the usability and accessibility hackfests are a success. That they are well attended by a diverse group of individuals and corporations and that their activities are seen in the community afterwards.
      • Ensure hackfests have corporate participation
      • Ensure hackfests are well funded
      • Find resources and funding for accessibility
    • Make a successful launch, with a good marketing campaign.
      • Make sure there is a GNOME 3.0 marketing plan that is
        executed on. A good marketing plan will include outreach
        activities from the community working in close connection
        with our partners.
      • Position GNOME as a thought leader around user experience
      • Grow the GNOME brand in a way that can be used by downstream
      • Make sure GNOME 3.0 has a launch (from a marketing
      • Number of speaking opportunities and published articles about
        GNOME 3.0
      • Make sure press is involved ? GNOME 3.0 should bring at least
        a 50% increase in press articles from the previous year.
      • Make sure GNOME applications, not just the desktop, are
  2. Make the GNOME free desktop the desktop of choice, focusing on developing
    nations for 2010.

    • Reach out to governments in developing countries
      • Set up working relationships with developing country
        governments (Someone from GNOME with someone from the
        government. A relationship can be defined as a regular set of
        meetings, a memorandum of understanding or participation in
        each others’ events.)
      • Partner with other nonprofits involved in free software or
        related groups (measure number/quality of relationships)
    • Support existing local user groups, universities working with free
      software and work to create new new relationships

      • Increase the number of local user groups (Compare existing
        number to new number)
      • Support local user groups with existing resources, i.e. send
        speakers from Europe to Africa (compare 2009 to 2010)
      • Figure out new ways to work with developing nations.
    • Have GNOME representation at major free software events in the
      developing world

      • Measure number of events we participate in next year to this
      • Work with people that already speak at these events to
        promote GNOME as well
      • Sponsor events with volunteers or money
    • Start relationship with vendors and/or solution providers to help
      them understand the benefits of GNOME.

      • Business development activities where the GNOME Foundation
        helps to make progress in increasing adoption of GNOME
        technologies in the developing world. (Measured by the number
        of events, meetings, or collaboration opportunities realized
        compared with the previous year.)
      • Measure number of conversations with vendors who provide IT
        solutions (with an emphasis on developing countries)
      • Measure number of relationships we establish.
      • Measure number of outcomes (products, partnerships, events)
      • that come out of these relationships.

      • Are the people we sponsor using our slide templates,
        promoting Friends of GNOME, wearing tshirts we provide, etc?
      • Is this having a benefit to our bottom line (such as via
        Friends of GNOME donations, etc.)
  3. Create a widely used free and open source ?desktop? that spans from
    mobile devices to netbooks to desktops and everything in between.

    • Get “desktop” developers talking to mobile company developers
    • Get mobile companies actively involved upstream
    • Work to get more distributors
  4. Work with the companies in GNOME Mobile (and others using GNOME in the
    mobile space)

    • Raise awareness of GNOME Mobile in the developer space
      • Have a GNOME presence at Mobile events
      • Partner with organizations that use GNOME Mobile or provide
        technologies into GNOME mobile
    • Market/advertise what GNOME Mobile is
      • Work with marketing team to help them understand the needs of
        GNOME Mobile
      • Work with partners like LiMo to market/advertise GNOME Mobile
    • Get patches upstream
      • Work with GNOME Mobile partners to get their patches upstream
      • Measure by number of patches (is this easy to measure?)
    • Enable collaboration between companies
      • # of introductions
      • # of events where companies can meet (conferences, hackfests)
      • measure output of these events
    • Ensure that missing technologies are implemented
      • Identify missing technologies
      • Publicize them
      • Measure % that are implemented
    • Enable collaboration between “desktop” and “mobile” companies in
      the GNOME space

      • Have a hackfest that works on a technology that spans mobile
        and desktop
      • Get “desktop” developers to participate in GNOME mobile
        mailing list or events
  5. Raise worldwide governmental awareness of the GNOME free desktop and its
    importance to their citizens.

    • Work with GNOME Foundation members and supporters to set up
      meetings with government groups

      • # of meetings
    • Have GNOME representation at free software and government events
      • Number of events in the developing world that have a GNOME
        presence (compared to the number in the previous year).
    • Work with other free software groups trying to accomplish similar

      • # of groups we work with
      • # of events we partner at, number of attendees
      • measure results such as # of women that participate in Women
        Outreach, products launched, etc.
  6. Make the GNOME Foundation the place for companies working with
    GNOME-related technologies to collaborate.

    • Provide forums for companies to collaborate at a higher level
      (roadmaps, etc)

      • # of events/meetings that more than one company attend
      • setting up a forum
      • Starting conversations, making introductions
    • Make introductions between companies where the GNOME Foundation
      feels collaboration opportunities exist.

      • # of introductions
      • Identify companies and opportunities
    • Make sure that hackfests and events are well organized. That the
      relevant companies and individuals are notified about the event
      well enough in advance to ensure proper planning and

      • # of hackfests sponsored by more than one company
      • average number of companies represented at hackfests
        (compared to previous year)
    • Work with companies to market GNOME within their product marketing

      • Better press and press relations, perhaps even break out into
        new forms of advertisement
      • Set up meeting between marketing people at different
      • Provide marketing materials to companies
    • Promote free software by being a model example of a free software

      • Advocate for free software
        • Use the term free software
        • Speak and blog about the principles of free software
      • Be transparent
        • Publish regular GNOME Foundation updates – Stormy and
          Rosanna’s weekly updates, Board meeting minutes,
          quarterly reports, finance updates, etc.
      • Be open
        • Explain the reasoning behind decisions.
      • Follow our Code of Conduct
        • Moderate the Foundation list and Planet and call people
          out on inappropriate behavior.
      • Encourage new people to join our project.
        • Bring in people with expertise but new to the project.
        • Develop ways for people to easily join our project.
        • Invest in GNOME Love, partner with other organizations,
          develop a working on mailing lists guide, etc.

      • Market free software and GNOME
        • (Covered in other areas here.)
  7. Provide web services for GNOME projects like Tomboy/Snowy
    • Identify projects that could be web services and talk to them.
    • Enable sys admin team to provide hosting.
    • Bring web services online
      • Measure by number of services online!
  8. Infrastructure
    • Raise money for a sys admin
    • Hire a sys admin
    • Help the infrastructure team to grow
  9. Fundraising
    • Increase overall budget by 30%.
    • Increase contributions from Friends of GNOME by 30%.
    • Diversify funding by expanding into merchandising and other
      business development opportunities such as ad revenue on support
      forums, web services, training, etc.

Stormy’s Update: Week of January 18th

This is my update for work done for the GNOME Foundation. For a higher level overview for what I do as the Executive Director, see What do I do as Executive Director of the GNOME Foundation? or my earlier updates.

Finally wrapped up the very long thread on the Foundation list and most of the side conversations.

Met with a couple of advisory board members (via phone, email and IRC) to discuss funding and GUADEC.

We are partnering with Project::Possibility! Look for updates from the GNOME accessibility folks.

Got all the GNOME Q4 report updates in the report and edited except for one … actively waiting on that one!

Read all the Google Grants instructions, set up an Adwords account, set up campaigns, ad groups, ads and keywords. Was ready to submit and the checklist says we need at least two ads per adgroup, so going back to fill in today. (Also got a login on our Piwik account from Jaap Haitsma to see web page traffic to
help evaluate our adwords usage.)

Sent out requests for sponsorship for the usability hackfest.

Attended GNOME board meeting.

Met with Jim Zemlin from the Linux Foundation. Briefly discussed Collaboration Summit, GNOME participation, mobile, Moblin and fundraising/memberships.

Sent out thank you’s for Friends of GNOME.

Worked with Grace Hopper (a women in computing conference) on FOSS (free and open source) plans for the conference. They were already working on it and they’ve added me to the group discussing the plans. It’s looking promising.

Attended Snowy (Tomboy Online) IRC meeting.

Talked to Gregoire Gentil from Always Innovating. Their Touch Book uses GNOME technologies. They’d love to see better touch screen support for GNOME. (Right now you have to use a stylus instead of fingers.) Set up tentative plans to meet in person at the Collaboration Summit.

Helped with a couple of things (panel, lightening talks, schedule) for OSCON and for the Women in Open Source miniconference at SCALE.

Luis de Bethencourt is going to represent GNOME at FOSS Nigeria. Thanks to Agustín Benito Bethencourt for recruiting him.

Chuck Payne and Zonker will represent GNOME at the Texas Linux Fest.

Worked on planning my travel for the year. I’d love to see more people officially representing GNOME at events.

Passion brings them together, the internet enables them and their diversity helps them succeed

Lots of corporations work really hard to increase diversity.

In the mean time, I think free and open source software projects have figured it out. They may not be diverse in every way possible (there's a notable lack of women and an over representation of developers – go figure) but they have succeeded in not only attracting a diverse set of people but creating a really well working diverse group of people.

I think a couple of factors have made that possible:

  1. Passion. A shared mission, passion and commitment to the project.
  2. Connectivity. The internet (email, IRC, IM, identica, etc) has enabled people to work together effectively.

Take the GNOME Board of Directors, one of the most effective and diverse teams I've had the pleasure of working with:

  • 7 people
  • that live in 7 different countries
  • on 4 different continents
  • in 6 time zones
  • and speak 5 different first languages

They are diverse in other ways too but these facts are most public.

They talk every day via email, IRC and IM, debate some pretty difficult issues and come to working agreements without a boss. (They hired me, not the other way around.) They run the GNOME Foundation.

How many other teams do you know that are that diverse and that successful?

Their passion for GNOME brings them together, the internet enables them to work together and their diversity helps them succeed.