In this article, Census report: It pays to be a man, discussing the difference between men and women’s pay, the fact I found most interesting was the fact that women tend to earn the same as men in fields dominated by men such as hazardous waste removal. In fields dominated by women, such as nursing and preschool teachers, men earn substancially more.
Email on a memory stick | The Register
Here’s a USB device, a “thumbdrive”, that will let you run Outlook from the small device.
Email on a memory stick | The Register
I used to wonder when handhelds would merge with laptops, and I think tablet PCs are the answer to that. Now I wonder when USB devices will merge with tablets …
Dividing the Sexes, for the Tough Years
I’ve seen and heard a lot of debate about private vs public schools and within private schools, coed vs single sex. There’s an interesting article,
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