From Grandparent Quotes: Grandmas are moms with lots of frosting. ~Author Unknown
They got the NY subway pervert whose picture was published online. NY subway perv busted by mobe snap | The Register.
NY subway perv busted by mobe snap | The Register Read More »
At least one person is predicting $4/gallon soon: Consumers can expect retail gas prices to rise to $4 a gallon in the near future, Ben Brockwell, director of pricing at the Oil Price Information Service, said Wednesday. "There’s no question gas will hit $4 a gallon," he said. "The question is how high will it
I know it’s an editorial, but what are they trying to imply? That President Bush shouldn’t take vacations? Is the middle of an article about the New Orleans disaster the right place to put this type of commentary? or even to point out that it took what may become the worst natural disaster in American
Blatantly Biased Reporting Read More »
I read a really interesting article about Gregory Berns’s book, Satisfaction: The Science of Finding True Fulfillment, that says that humans really want satisfaction, not pleasure. We want challenges and experiences that give us a feeling of satisfaction, not easy experiences that are just pleasurable. It was interesting to think about. If you do something
Go for Satisfaction, not Happiness Read More »
Ever wondered about all those taxes on your phone bill that you’ve never heard of? Turns out they are not taxes at all. "Property tax allotment" charge, for instance, is nothing more than the property taxes that the carrier pays. The "carrier cost recovery fee" is a catch-all for many kinds of operating expenses; the
False phone bill taxes Read More »
This article, Experts Warn Debt May Threaten Economy – Yahoo! News, did a good job of explaining our current debt situation and how our attitude and habits contribute to it. I particularly resonated with this quote: "I see people younger than me with comparable jobs that drive new vehicles and have a boat and mortgage
A photo of an alleged flasher was posted on Flickr. Now the New York City Flickr community can help identify him. (This is similar to the story of a woman who didn’t pick up her dog’s poop in Asia and her photo was shown all over the internet.) I think it’s a really cool idea
Catching perverts online Read More »
Ever wondered what to tip? I found a good guide at Tipping Etiquette Guide at
Tipping: what’s appropriate Read More »
Asians and Americans see different things in the same picture. When shown a picture of fish swimming, Japanese subjects described the stream, the rocks and then the fish. Americans described the fish first. Americans looked at the fish first and spent more time looking at them. Japanese looked at the whole scene and then the
Asians and Americans see different things in the same picture Read More »