August 2005

$4/gallon for gas

At least one person is predicting $4/gallon soon: Consumers can expect retail gas prices to rise to $4 a gallon in the near future, Ben Brockwell, director of pricing at the Oil Price Information Service, said Wednesday. "There’s no question gas will hit $4 a gallon," he said. "The question is how high will it

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False phone bill taxes

Ever wondered about all those taxes on your phone bill that you’ve never heard of? Turns out they are not taxes at all. "Property tax allotment" charge, for instance, is nothing more than the property taxes that the carrier pays. The "carrier cost recovery fee" is a catch-all for many kinds of operating expenses; the

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Our Debt

This article,  Experts Warn Debt May Threaten Economy – Yahoo! News, did a good job of explaining our current debt situation and how our attitude and habits contribute to it.   I particularly resonated with this quote: "I see people younger than me with comparable jobs that drive new vehicles and have a boat and mortgage

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