Best book trading site

The New York Times has an article about book trading sites and I was disappointed to see that they choose BookMooch as the number one site and didn’t even mention PaperBackSwap.  I am a member of BookMooch and PaperBackSwap so I think they are both good, but I far prefer PaperBackSwap for several reasons:

  1. First and foremost, they keep the wishlist in an order.  So if I’ve said I’m interested in the latest Harry Potter book, when it becomes available, they will tell me and give me 48 hours to decide if I want it or not.  The next person on the list has to wait for me to decide if I want it or not.  They get the next copy.  BookMooch emails everybody that wants it at the same time, so I’m never, ever going to get a copy of Harry Potter from BookMooch.  Eventually, it’ll be my turn on PaperBackSwap.
  2. The PaperBackSwap interface is much easier to understand than BookMooch.
  3. PaperBackSwap lets you print postage.

Note that I quit using TitleTrader, one of the other ones mentioned by the article.

Which book trading site is your favorite?

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