Book review: The Secret

First off, there are three versions of the Secret by Rhonda Byrne:

  • the book, The Secret.
  • the audiobook, The Secret.  This contains many different people’s voices, presumably from the movie version.
  • the movie, The Secret DVD!  Most of the reviews you’ve seen are about the movie.

I listened to the audiobook version.

I think how you are introduced to a book greatly influences how much you like it or at least how open you are to liking it.  I first heard about The Secret from a group of friends who watched the movie together and they couldn’t say enough good about it.  I was supposed to beg, steal or borrow a copy to watch!  So I downloaded the audiobook version.  I enjoyed it but if I hadn’t listened to The Attractor Factor first, I would have dismissed it all as hokey.  The Secret introduces the law of attraction with a lot of hype and very big promises.  They make it seem like it is possible to wish a bike or a winning lottery ticket into existence through sheer will power.  Now while I believe that remaining positive and open will mean that many more opportunities will be available to you than if you are always negative, I don’t think you can wish tomorrow’s winning lottery ticket into your hand.  So while the audiobook was uplifting and positive, it was a bit unrealistic.  So, I wonder, if I’d read this negative review first, or if I hadn’t learned about the law of attraction from The Attractor Factor, I wonder if I would have liked The Secret at all?  Would the negative review have set me up to think negatively about it, would I have concentrated on the hokiness and would I be writing a really negative review now?  If so, it just goes to show you that thinking positive brings positive results (I enjoyed listening to the book) and thinking negative brings negative results (I might not have made it through the book!)  On the influencing positively side, The Secret made the top ten list at and The New York Times.  Does that make you want to read it now?

4 thoughts on “Book review: The Secret”

  1. Consciously or subconsciously we all knew the secret & we have been living with it for all our lives. However what Rhonda & her team have done is that, they have made all of us aware of this fact. I don’t know if the secret will help me achieve all the things that I desire but yes since I have watched the movie I am feeling good & it seems like everything happening around me is great & it will be so for the rest of my life.
    I work with a non-profit organization Blog The Bible, where we discuss all the things which can make you happy & also relate to Jesus & Bible at the same time. I think if The Secret can generate the same happiness within all of us then there is no harm in believing the Law of Attraction.
    We all have experienced it, whenever we feel good & happy we think of god, we think of Jesus, we think of Bible. So I would say that no matter what everybody thinks but this DVD has surely brought me close Jesus, Bible & at last Happiness.
    Sydney Jones

  2. Joe is not really a “dr.” of any kind. The “dr.” designation first appeared about a year ago after he probably bought a diploma from some diploma mill.

  3. I have read the secret. It barely scratches the surface on spirituality or harnessing any true power through meditation. Its visualization techniques are defunct and infantile. It nearly appears as one of those writings designed to intentionally get you on a track of belief thus disabling the critical thinking of your brain. Thus one would think that this were the work of a Scientologist, but alas no references to such. I can see why it would bring one closer to Jesus with such impotent implications.

  4. This book is a bunch of crap put together by people with obscured ideas. I was happy without ever actually reading the book. I’m happy right now and will be happy tomorrow and o wait happy for the rest of my life. God doesn’t have anything to do with happiness also cause I don’t believe in God and well did I mention I’m really happy. God is the figment of man’s imagination created out of fear of the unknown.

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