Can you spot what’s wrong with this game?

2009-12-26 09.22.51 It took my 3 year old less than five seconds to discover the problem with this game. In spite of not really understanding the point of tic-tac-toe.

So much for buying stocking stuffers in the dollar bin at Target. (Or perhaps I should blame it on the speed at which I was shopping. Not being a big fan of shopping, I was in and out very quickly. Perhaps a bit too quickly.)

4 thoughts on “Can you spot what’s wrong with this game?”

  1. Dmitrijs Ledkovs

    @Lefty I thought you need 5 X & 4 0…. X is always first turn and there are only 9 places……

  2. Firdaus bin Aziz

    there’s only two outcome of the game (assuming both player play till the end):
    a) 5 “X” and 4 “O”
    b) 4 “X” and 4 “O”
    hence to cover both possible outcome, the game need to be supplied with 5 “X” and 5 “O”.

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