We’re home!
We’re home and Caleb is doing well! His crib mattress is at a 45 degree angle and he has his own humidifier.
We’re home and Caleb is doing well! His crib mattress is at a 45 degree angle and he has his own humidifier.
We’re two hours into the four hour test – can Caleb maintain his oxygen levels without supplemental oxygen? If he can, we’ll be going home in two hours! Yeah!
Cross Your Fingers! Read More »
We had kind of a rough night. Caleb was doing good on 1/4 L at midnight so they decided to slowly turn down the oxygen overnight. (They were trying to get us home today!) Only they didn’t tell me. So in the wee hours of the morning I couldn’t figure out why his oxygen levels
Monday update to “Caleb has RSV” Read More »
10:21pm. We are back down to 1/2 liter of oxygen and looking good! Caleb spent the last couple of hours eating a ton (well, compared to the last couple of days anyway) and playing and talking.
Sunday evening update to “Caleb has RSV” Part 2 Read More »
They got his oxygen down to 1/4 liter this afternoon. (They turned it down little by little and then waited to see if his numbers held steady.) But we had to turn it back up to a 3/4 liter this evening because his heart rate jumped back up to the 200s and his oxygen went
Sunday evening update to “Caleb has RSV” Read More »
Caleb is doing much better today. He slept all night, ate 5 ounces in one sitting and woke up "talking" like he normally does. His heart rate has also come down a lot. We even got a couple of smiles out of him today. (He’s been playing and interactive most of the time but no
Sunday update to “Caleb has RSV” Read More »
In case you are wondering where we are – Frank and I are camped out with Caleb in a hospital room this weekend. Caleb has Respiratory Syncytial Virus, RSV for short since I haven’t even figured out how to pronounce it yet. For most of us this would be just a common cold but for
These two books make great presents for boys. Our son got his first one when he was five years old and he loves them. Each page has a great big pop-up in the middle and lots of smaller pop-ups in the corners. There’s also lots of interesting information – I usually just read a couple
Book review: Encyclopedia Prehistorica Dinosaurs and Sharks Read More »
Read Samantha’s Story for a 3 year old’s courageous battle with cancer. It’s both a tear jerker and heart warming.
A 3 year old’s courageous battle with cancer Read More »
Adopting from overseas is very popular but not easy. The process starts with the research – which countries are an option (including the US), what are their rules, costs, corruption levels, etc. China has published their new adoption rules. They must have more than enough foreigners looking to adopt because the new rules are much
New Chinese Adoption Rules Read More »