
What would you ask these guys about the desktop?

Tomorrow I'm also moderating a panel at OpenSource World, The State of Installed Desktops and Netbooks 2009. What would you ask these guys?   Todd Finch, Sr. Product Marketing Manager, Dell Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier, Community Manager, Novell Jono Bacon, Community Manager, Canonical Rao Yeleswarapu, Marketing Manager for Moblin, Intel  As a reminder: Intel, a hardware

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About Stormy Peters

My name is Stormy Peters. You can contact me by sending email to stormyscorner — at — gmail.com. You can also leave a comment on any post where you have something to say! I currently work as the executive director of the GNOME Foundation. I also am an advisor for HFOSS, OpenSource World, IntraHealth Open

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Why do we dream?

Psychology Today has a really interesting article about a theory of dreaming that’s gaining populartiy.  We dream to prepare for dangerous situations.  When you have a nightmare, you are rehearsing, in case it ever happens in real life.  The dreaming brain, explains Revonsuo, scans emotional memories. When it detects a memory trace with a strong

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