Digital Cameras

I’ve been talking about buying a new digital camera for years now and it’s time.  However, comparing the all of the features is difficult.  My primary requirements are:

  • Small.  The smaller the better as I’m much more likely to actually carry it around and take pictures.  (If my cell phone camera were better quality it would work great.)
  • Fast pictures.  I want to hit the button and have it take a picture right then, not 2 seconds later.

Nice to have would be:

  • Easy to use.
  • Lots of optical zoom.
  • Lots of presettings, like outdoor, close up, etc.

So far I’ve found two:

Comments?  Suggestions?  Other cameras you like?  Other places to look for reviews?

1 thought on “Digital Cameras”

  1. An important feature I will be looking for when I upgrade my digital camera is an easy “delete” button. Possibly because I don’t know a lot about photography, I tend to take lots of photos of the same thing. There always seems to be one that is good. Then I have to punch several times to make the unwanted ones go away. When you buy your new one, please share what you bought and why. I’d be grateful for the input.

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