Firefox to the rescue!

My son broke his arm this week and had 2.5 hours of surgery this morning. Firefox kept him company throughout. (When the nurse asked him where Firefox came from, he told her “Mommy’s work.”)

Firefox even keeps watch over the elevated arm.

Firefox the web browser has also been a life saver. Watching movies over the internet with Firefox is a good way to stay still …

3 thoughts on “Firefox to the rescue!”

  1. Still young and yet already a Firefox evangelist, nice work 🙂

    Wishing him a speedy recovery!

  2. Ouch!

    I trust with Firefox’s help your son will make a rapid recovery. He looks like he is being very brave about the whole thing.

    It’s kind of strange as I was visiting your blog to check up on your title at Mozilla – the reason being an enquiry I’ve had about who might be able to help with raising awareness of Firefox in the UKs National Health Service development communities. If I the enquiry turns out to be interesting I’ll mail you details. Maybe your son can provide some patient requirements 😉

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