Gas Prices around the Country

Check out gas prices around the country broken down by state and county. USA National Gas Temperature Map.  Stay away from red areas (California of course.)  Those in green areas like Montana and Wyoming have it good. 

I was suprised at how state dependent gas pries are.  All of Wyoming is green while half of its neighbors are yellow.

2 thoughts on “Gas Prices around the Country”

  1. As we LIVE here, it’s pretty hard to “stay away from California.” I think we paid $3.12/gal the other day to fill up. Talk about SHOCK the first time it took more that $50 bucks to fill up the minivan!!!! I’ve heard Oregon is up over $4/gallon, and a fellow blogger in Germany was just talking about paying the equivalent of over $6/gallon there.

  2. Yikes! I’ve been trying to figure out how much cheaper gas would have to be in Wyoming to justify driving up there to fill up …

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