Hachiko, the loyal dog, is one of my favorite stories

One of my favorite stories is the story of the dog Hachiko.  Hachiko was an Akita who lived in Japan with a professor.  Every day he walked the professor to the Shibuya train station and every evening he met him at the train station to walk him home.  After the professor died, Hachiko continued to go to the train station every evening to wait for the professor.  He went every evening for 11 years!

There’s now a statue called Hachiko at the Shibuya station and two children’s book about the story.  I read one of the books, Hachiko: The True Story of a Loyal Dog (Bccb Blue Ribbon Picture Book Awards), to my son last week and then a wikipedia article showed up about Hachiko.  Hachiko’s story is truly an amazing story of friendship and loyalty.

Picture from Wikipedia.

1 thought on “Hachiko, the loyal dog, is one of my favorite stories”

  1. Im in kitsap county 4-H I’m only 16 years old & I have been in 4-H for over 3 years now, & I have a Akita cross hybrid I have to say this my most favorite breed of dog the reason why is because it’s the most loyal dog & is verry faithful of it’s family & owner even little kids verry verry much you can email me back at guy15case@yahoo.com all coments are accepted Thank you again very much

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