Kids on Computers is planning a Kids on Computers Summit in May in Huajuapan de Leon and we need your help!
We have had a lot of success setting up labs in the Huajuapan de Leon area and getting local community involved. Our first school, 18 de Marzo, counts on a lot of parental support. They built the building for the lab and a library and their school has gone from one of the least desirable to one of the most respected. We’ve also set up labs in a school for kids with disabilities and in a boarding school for girls from difficult situations. And we’ve gotten equipment donations from local banks.

Now what we need is people to help! We have several schools with computers but nobody to set them up. Schools with labs but not much know how. We have local people helping but their time is stretched thin and they could use some help!
We are going down the week of May 23rd to:
- Take down some new equipment.
- Set up computers in new labs.
- Replace broken equipment in existing labs.
- Teach kids and teachers.
- Update software, add things like Wikipedia in Spanish to the computers in a school without internet yet.
- Show excitement, drum up support.
- Thank all the local people and organizations that have helped.
So we need you! There are all sorts of tasks and we need people that can do any one of the following. (No need to be able to do them all.)

- Plug in computers, turn them on, make sure they work.
- Create logins, install software.
- Swap out a fan or a hard drive.
- Setup networking.
- Speak Spanish and translate for other volunteers that don’t speak Spanish.
- Talk to teachers about how computers can be integrated into education.
- Run errands, stick Spanish key stickers on American keyboards, clean up cables, pick up boxes, …
- Use a computer and show someone else how to use a mouse and start a game.
So there is something for everyone and we could use your help! We had a great time on our last trip and we are all looking forward to this one.
Let me know if you’d like to join us. We’d love to have your help!

Hi Stormy!
Do you remember me? I am Miguel, the teacher of Saucitlán de Morelos school in Oaxaca, México. I met you when you visited us with you partners for the instalation to our computers center.
How are you, you have a good web site, I was visiting the sites of your fundation “kids on computers” and I liked the pictures and your work for this kind of poor population because in my country are many people that can´t acces to the tecnology.
I hope one day soon you’ll return to us and see you again.