Kids on Computers sets up more labs in schools

Sewing at girls' school in Santo Domingo, Oaxaca. Photo by Thomas Peters.

Kids on Computers folks have been busy, especially Hermes and Thomas and others in Oaxaca. In the past few months we’ve set up labs in a school for kids with disabilities and a boarding school for girls – both in small towns in Oaxaca, Mexico.

The lab for the kids with disabilities will also help their parents who will now be able to do research on the web both on their kids’ health and also on government resources that might be available.

Hermes and one of the students. They were all delighted to get to use a computer! Photo belongs to Hermes.

The lab in the girls’ school will enable them to learn skills for a whole new range of jobs. Right now they learn skills like sewing and hair dressing in addition to normal school subjects to learn skills that might help them find a job.

Some of the computers were donated locally. Some by individuals, some by companies. Some, those that are in the girls’ school, came from Partimus. Some came from individuals that donated through System76.

Dormitory at the girls' school. Photo by Thomas Peters.

Thanks to everyone who helped bring technology, open source software and the internet to these kids. I’m looking forward to meeting them online.

The next schools will be in Mexico, Zambia and India.

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