Make everyone feel like your favorite

My two year old's favorite saying right now is "it's my favorite." I believe he picked it up from his granny.

Which made me think … I thought I was both of my granny's favorite. Both of my grandmothers had a huge influence in my life. And I am absolutely sure I was their favorite.

Actually, I'm not that sure anymore. I think they somehow managed to make every one of their grandkids feel like their favorite. Whenever I talked to them, I was sure I was their favorite. They loved me, cared about me and supported me 100%. That empowered me to take on the world. To stand up for others. To make the world a better place.

Make sure everyone in your life knows that they are your favorite! Your favorite developer, your favorite partner, your favorite kid, your favorite advocate, your favorite blogger, … give kudos! Pass it on!

Photo by jaeWALK.

1 thought on “Make everyone feel like your favorite”

  1. Completely true and this the reason i think mono project is going on so well! My grandmother was also of the same type, also very very hard working 🙂

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