Will Bamberg joined our team! He will continue working on Jetpack documentation.
Louis-Rémi posted his first blog post on hacks.mozilla.org: http://hacks.mozilla.org/2011/04/using-client-side-storage-today/
During the Mozilla all-hands meeting, we invited several folks from Google over for lunch: Paul Irish, Alex Komoroske, Kevin Lim, and Kathy Walrath. We talked about how to work together to improve open web technology documentation, especially browser compatibility information. We also shared ours plans for Kuma.
No pictures were taken, but they did bring some HTML5 t-shirts:
(If you want HTML5 pants, see Christian Heilmann.)
Spoke at a few accessibility conferences driving sign language translators nuts. Blogged here: http://hacks.mozilla.org/2011/04/accessibility-and-web-innovation-a-constant-struggle/
Had a meeting about doc processes. We have some exciting ideas!
Localising and writing documents in other languages
After providing feedback on initial mockups, the MDN Learning pages are taking shape.  Chowse has most of the page design completed and we will be starting implementation soon on the staging server for the landing page + HTML, CSS and JS pages.
Been cranking out Firefox 5 documentation left and right.
Been working on Marble Run port for WoW.
The learn pages continue to evolve and improve. We are close to wrapping up the MDN 0.9.4 development and are on track for a late April launch.
Set up some HTML, CSS and JavaScript training. Trying it out on Mozilla folks.
Another successful Documentation Sprint focused on compatibility info. Thanks to everyone who participated!
Stormy gave the keynote at CCSCNE to a room full of professors and students.

Have a great week!
The Developer Engagement Team
Christian, Janet, Jay, Louis-Rémi, Paul, Sheppy, Will and Stormy