Stormy’s update: Week of August 31st

This is my update for work done for the GNOME Foundation, reprinted from the GNOME Foundation blog. For a higher level overview for what I do as the Executive Director, see What do I do as Executive Director of the GNOME Foundation? or my earlier updates.

If you measure productivity based on what gets done (as opposed to how hard you work), this was a frustrating week.

What I got done:

  • Got a new advisory board member invoiced. (Well, Rosanna invoiced them, not me, but I helped make it happen.) Working on quotes for press release. (Didn't actually get any yet.)
  • Got some feedback on financial waterfall.
  • Followed up with end user looking to use GNOME and GNU/Linux and running into problems.
  • Continued to push for Q3 quarterly report to be done.
  • Pinged sponsors and potential sponsors.
  • Pinged people holding up 401K setup.
  • Pinged press team to get started.
  • Met with Denise to talk about how the customer success stories are going. 
  • Met with Keith from the Open Invention Network to talk about how OIN and GNOME could work more closely together. He's looking for the community to help find prior art and to be advocates for them.
  • Posted Friends of GNOME August results.
  • Blogged about Funambol grants.
  • Attended Board of Directors meeting.
  • Planned Board of Advisors meetings. Meetings will most likely be:
    • September – events (Boston Summit, GNOME Asia, Zeitgeist hackfest)
    • October – finances
    • November – updates from advisory board members on things they are working on (list to come later)
    • December – update on how the Oct/Nov events went and future events

Things to be done (and this is a short week due to the Labor Day holiday): (Feel free to suggest other things or to help.)

  • Work on 2010 budget with treasurers. (More urgent than it sounds as our fiscal year starts in October and companies are planning their budgets now.)
  • Send finances out to advisory board.
  • Make sure press team takes off and starts working on some tasks.
  • Work on requirements for a CRM system so that sys admin team can install one.
  • Follow up with adboard members who are missing payments.
  • Follow up with potential sponsors.
  • Follow up on 401K plan.
  • Follow up with International Cooperation, the group in Gran Canaria working with developing countries.
  • Fill out form for applying for a Ford Foundation grant.
  • … and a bunch more stuff that will have to wait until next week.


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