What’s your best excuse?

I have a standing weekly appointment with someone and 80% of the time she calls to reschedule.  I thought I’d share some of the excuses.  I believe they are all real – I just can’t believe they all happen to one person!

  • Looking for son’s dog that was stolen.  (They found the dog.)
  • Granddaughter slipped on the ice and broke her nose and has to be taken to the emergency room.
  • Car got stuck in the snow three times on the way.  (We had lots of snow this year in Colorado!)
  • Babysitter didn’t show up.
  • Has a court date.
  • Daughter had surgery yesterday and is throwing up violently today and needs to be taken back to the doctor.
  • Has meetings with teachers.
  • Has jury duty.
  • … and then the normal "I’m sick."

What’s the best excuse you’ve heard or used?

Photo "The Dog Ate My Homework" by mygothlaundry.

1 thought on “What’s your best excuse?”

  1. In high school, late for my first driver’s ed class – excuse: “I had to milk the goats.” Voted best real excuse by my driver’s ed teacher. By the way, I was telling the truth, I really did have to milk the goats.

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