Write a comment on Stormy’s Corner!

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Blogs are about conversation – share your experiences, thoughts and ideas!  Although this is my blog, it’s not just about me – it’s about all of you reading it, so please feel free to leave a comment or two!

Here’s my promise in return:

  • I won’t delete a comment just because I don’t agree with it.
  • Profanity is bad.  I will delete any comment that contains profanity – any kind of profanity.  If you post lots of comments with lots of swear words, I will prohibit you from posting any more comments.  It gets old reading rude posts and deleting them.
  • Rude comments are bad for conversation.  I reserve the right to decide what is rude versus what is contentious.
  • Spam is bad.  Spam includes posting six comments to one post that all say the same thing is spam.

I have lots of silent readers – I’d like to hear what you think.  Many
of you only tell me in person or via email – just post your comments!
They are good and others should hear them.

10 thoughts on “Write a comment on Stormy’s Corner!”

  1. Thank you so much for the info on how to stop breastfeeding. I breastfeed my son for 8 months but after having my daughter a week ago, I decided not to breastfeed this time and couldn’t find anything on the web on how to let my milk just “dry up”… until you! Thanks!

  2. Thank you for your post on breastfeeding. It has been a very hard struggle for me and I’ve decided to stop after 2 months. Finding information on how to care for your breasts is very hard too and your links were helpful. Thank you.

  3. Thank you for your post on breastfeeding. It has been a very hard struggle for me and I’ve decided to stop after 2 months. Finding information on how to care for your breasts is very hard too and your links were helpful. Thank you.

  4. Thank you for posting. I found your site reassuring as I am having a hard time with the guilt of stopping breastfeeding (been doing it for 7 weeks now). It is hard to find any information on stopping and caring for yourself. Thanks again…

  5. Hello! Thank you for your information on stopping breast feeding. I was searching the web for my wife who has been discussing this issue. It sure isn’t easy to get information in this direction. I want to support her decision either way…. she had to work so hard at getting things going in the beginning and now she has similar issues about the time it takes. Jean, my wife, has moved to an intermediate position by bottle feeding her breast milk. This has given her some relief. By the way, Kai is our firstborn. We started a bit later than most … in our late thirties. He’s just over a month and a half now. We are in Taiwan, so this issue has an added serving of social pressure/guilt!! 🙂 Thanks for your blog posting. All the best with your kids.

  6. I was so glad to find your comments and the responses from other women regarding breastfeeding and the decision to stop. I have been fighting with this decision for awhile now after a month of breastfeeding. Now that I stop and reflect on all of the comments in posts above I realize I am missing out on the fun part of feeding my child. As a child myself I remember how exciting it was to get to feed my little newborn cousins. My sister and I fought over who got the chance to feed them. I want to feel that same joy over feeding my own child vs dreading the soar nipples, soar arms, soar back, etc. My mental state is fragile enough with a fussy baby to add in the continued presure of breastfeeding to the mix. Now I can’t wait to get out of the house and not feel traped in my own home just waiting for my daughter to decide she is hungry again.
    Thanks again for all of your insite!

  7. Breastfeeding is nature’s way and also God’s way to express the most tender love for a baby, who longs to feel the mother’s affinity to her child. If you are an atheist or an agnostic, “5 minutes to Catholicism” is a new series of lectures, that seeks to provide an alternative viewpoint. Please visit my site by clicking on my name.

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