WWI Blog

There’s a very cool diary of a World War I veteran created from his journal and pictures by his grandson.  If anybody would like to do something like this with any of my family members, I’d be happy to help out on the technical side!

On a similar note, my grandmother had a blog.  She wrote out all the stories long hand and mailed them to my mom who typed them in and posted them.  Then my aunt would print them out and take them over to my grandmother’s for her to see.  She was very proud of being an author – she loved sharing stories.

1 thought on “WWI Blog”

  1. This is an excellent idea for a family project. My Dad is 86 and writing out his memories longhand. I type and edit them and blog them after he checks what I have done. He just finished Part 4 about his military training and the start of our entry into WW 2 and tells about shipping out for the European invasion and saying goodby to the Statue of Liberty. Part 5 will start from there. I just heard from 3 cousins who were very excited about reading their family history in the earlier parts of the blog found at http://donnellslifestory.blogspot.com

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