Monday update to “Caleb has RSV”

We had kind of a rough night.  Caleb was doing good on 1/4 L at midnight so they decided to slowly turn down the oxygen overnight.  (They were trying to get us home today!) Only they didn’t tell me.  So in the wee hours of the morning I couldn’t figure out why his oxygen levels kept falling to 80% and then spontaneously going back up to 90%.  When they fell below 80% I paged the nurse.  The nurse that responded wasn’t our nurse but she figured out that Caleb was on room air!   We turned it back up to 1/2 L and he fell asleep for a couple of hours and woke up his usual happy self.  But neither of us got a whole lot of sleep.  (Caleb’s taking a nap now so all is good.) 

We are now back to a 1/4 L and expecting to see the doctor over lunch.

(Caleb’s figured out how to get the oxygen tube out of his nose.  So he did that 3-4 times last night.  Luckily he hasn’t figured out how to keep the machine from beeping when his oxygen levels falls so I always find him out!)