Great Online Tshirt Business

I found a great online Tshirt business.  You upload any picture you want and then you can offer that image on Tshirts, buttons, mugs, etc …  Cafepress tells you how much it costs them and you mark up your Tshirts with your design however much you want.  When people order your Tshirts, Cafepress makes them to order, sells them to the person that ordered it and pays you the markup.  Pretty cool way to get custom Tshirts made … or to make some extra money.

There are some great designs already up.  Some of the most popular themes are:

  • anti-Bush
  • army wife
  • autism

It only takes minutes to get setup.  Have fun!

Photo by redune.

Negative Google Ads Associated with YOUR Name

I ran across something interesting yesterday.  If you search for "Joe Vitale" (the author of The Attractor Factor) in Google, the top two sponsored ads are extremely negative:

  • Joe Vitale Sucks      Don’t buy anything from Joe Vitale until you read this.
  • I was scammed 37 times      These websites are absolute scams I will show you the ones that work

Now these are sites that paid to be put at the top when someone searched for "Joe Vitale."  They didn’t show up when I searched for Vitale.  Nothing on their websites mentions Joe Vitale and nothing I found anywhere suggests that Joe Vitale is either a jerk or a scam artist.

A couple of salient points come to mind:

  • Obviously, these people have found it financially advantageous to buy ads for the words "Joe Vitale" – they are assuming people that have read his book or heard about it might think he’s a scam or at least have enough doubts to read their websites.  (I did.  I thought, wow, is he a scam artist, and I clicked on the link and looked for information and couldn’t find any but in the meantime I read their website and saw all their ads.)  So these people drive traffic to their website by picking names that people might believe are scam artists.
  • Poor Joe Vitale.  These people are making it look like he’s a scam artist and as far as I know, there’s nothing illegal about it.  The second one doesn’t even say anything about Joe Vitale – it just says "I was scammed 37 times" when you search on his name.

I don’t know whether to be impressed or horrified.  Luckily when I search on my name there are no sponsored links, good or bad.

Is Your Boss Killing You?

I’ve always encouraged people who dislike their jobs to just leave or look for another one.  (I had a friend once who spent at least 50% of the work day chatting with other people because she couldn’t stand her job.  She even told her manager in hopes they would fire her – she wanted the severance pay.  It didn’t work.  Five years later she finally quit!)  I know that quitting is much, much harder to do than it is to say, but here’s a factoid that might help convince you.

employees who felt their supervisors treated them fairly had a 30 percent lower risk of heart disease

Find the right job and boss for you – your health might be at stake! Here’s the rest of the article Is Your Boss Killing You?.

Top executives cutting workers’ pay while making millions

In this New York Times article,  Executives Gone Wild: It’s Not a Pretty Sight – New York Times, Ben Stein compares what employees and stockholders are losing to what executives are making at a few large corporations.  For example, at Delphi, the chairman wants to cut workers’ pay from $25/hr to $12 an hour while the top 600 manages are going to make $510 million.  Read the article for a few more examples like that one.

What makes a good teacher?

The answer seems to be experience.  From Tenure, Turnover and the Quality of Teaching – New York Times.

The most important single influence is experience: first-year teachers are much less effective than others. The second year is significantly better, and by the fourth year, most teachers hit their stride.

But it’s not as clear cut as it sounds.

It is not entirely clear whether this experience effect is learning by doing (the more you teach, the more effective you become) or survival of the fittest (those who are not good at teaching tend to drop out early).

I think they miss the point though.  What makes a good teacher?  They assume it’s a teacher whose students improve on tests.  (And that may be the case but it should not be assumed.)  The business world tells us it’s all about metrics.  People will tend to do what you measure them by.  So if good teachers are those whose students get better scores on tests, teachers will work hard to make sure their students do well on tests.