Feet kicking good

I think "finger licking good" ought to be replaced with "feet kicking good."

(Although since I think he’s kicking before he tastes it, maybe it’s "feet kicking hungry.")

Learn to wake up!

Today in the car we told Jacob that he needs to work on listening.  He responded with, "and Caleb needs to work on waking up!"

Due Dates & Inductions

For those of you following the baby news, I have a "reservation" at the hospital for an induction on 8/29 if this little guy doesn’t decide to come out and join us before then. 

This doesn’t mean he’s any more or less likely to show up before 8/29.  Turns out if you go into labor, you can go to the hospital anytime but if you have to schedule it, you have to make a reservation because of the nursing shortage.

(My due date is 8/23 for those of you curious about how long doctors wait for these types of things.)

Baby almost here!

The doctor was able to rub the baby’s head yesterday and she said she wouldn’t be surprised to see me before my appointment on Monday.  (On the other hand, it could be another two weeks still – there isn’t any real way to predict these things.)  She also predicted that my water would probably break – I guess the baby’s head is wedged in pretty tight at a -1 position.  (From what I understand that means his head is 1 centimeter above my pubic bone.  Most of the pregnancy he’s been about 5 cm above my pubic bone.)

I’m not holding her to any of it as I appreciate her sharing her opinion, but I sure hope she’s right that he’s coming sooner than later!

Psychology Today: A Nation of Wimps

This article on child raising that I read yesterday resonated with a lot of things I have noticed lately, Psychology Today: A Nation of Wimps.  The article says a lot of the things parents do these days are bad for our kids long term.  I’m not sure whether I agree or disagree with that but I had noticed them and marked them as "strange."  Kids sitting in car seats until they are six, wearing helmets to ride their trikes, and not being allowed to run around outside without a parent right behind them.  Parents who pick up anything that falls on the floor and sanitize it before they allow their kids to touch it (my floor, at my house), but it’s ok for their kid to slobber all over my sunglasses which have to be much dirtier than some floors as I don’t think I’ve ever washed the things! 

Anyways, the article has a lot of food for thought from small kids to teenagers and how our current society, rules, cell phones, etc may or may not be affecting how they grow up.  Worth reading.

Why you should not be dreaming about retirement …

Another good article on why we spend too much time thinking about what it would be like to not have to work instead of thinking about what we’d like to be doing.  Like I’ve said before, there’s only so much sitting on the beach I could do.   Why Even Thinking About Retirement Can Be a Bad Idea.

How many times have we all thought about how nice it would be to have enough money so that we would never have to work again? We think about all that we won’t have to do: We won’t have to get up early. We won’t have to go to work. We won’t have to meet deadlines. We won’t have to be stressed. Unfortunately, it is hard to find much fulfillment in what we won’t do. We can only find fulfillment and meaning in what we will do.

Dave discovered that quickly enough. Dick taught me that as well. You may well have too much intellectual curiosity and too much enthusiasm for life ever to retire. When and if that day comes, you might not be doing what you’re doing now, but you will want to be doing something that matters.

Forget about retirement. Forget about planning for it. Just find something that you love to do.

I think I’ll still strive for financial independence though.  That would give me a lot more freedom in picking the job I wanted.  You could stay in a traditional job, you could become a social entrepreneur or a full time student or …