I signed up for Amazon Subscriptions a couple of days ago and today we got our first shipment – a big box of diapers and a big box of toilet paper delivered free to the door. Free shipping, 15% off and they will send us diapers on a regular schedule! I signed up
for diapers once a month and toilet paper every three months (they have all of the non-spoilable grocery type stuff available) – their website and email reminders make it really easy to change how often you want to get things, add a shipment or skip a shipment whenever you need to. You get the 15% off and free shipping every time. Hopefully once I get it set up we’ll never have to think about diapers again … except when we are changing a particularly stinky one that is! Now that’s my kind of shopping.
Thanks to ParentHacks for telling me about Amazon Subscribe & Save.