Instead of this book: (Or if you really liked this one.)
Sugar Blues by William Dufty
Try this one:
Good Calories, Bad Calories: Fats, Carbs, and
the Controversial Science of Diet and Health by Gary Taubes (Or see my short review of the very long book and my review of one of Taubes’ webinars.)
I don’t understand the controversy. This is the third time someone has posted on pogo about sugar being bad and the major cause of obesity…in the UK this is pretty common knowledge. Do people in the US really not know this?
People know “sugar” is bad but I don’t think they know the extent of how much sugar we eat and how bad it is for you.
Also, I don’t think people realize how addictive it is.
Else why would everyone continue to eat pounds and pounds of it every year?
I suggest you to read some books about glycemic index.
According to
the UK Food Standards Authrority promotes starch.
So maybe not.
Omega-6 seed oils can also cause problems but they are rarely discussed. They promote inflammation and impair thyroid function. I suggest readers watch this 37 minute presentation by Dr. Bill Lands: To skip opening remarks and dead time, drag the time button to the 12 minute mark.