If I won the lottery, my Christmas list would be

In no particular order:

  1. A couple of weeks on a catamaran in the British Virgin Islands
  2. A week on a catamaran in the Seychelles
  3. Hmm.  Maybe my own catamaran with crew that I could just send around the world.
  4. A  little robot that would sit on our seven year old’s ear and remind him to put on his shoes, zip up his bookbag, write his letters, say please, …
  5. A robot vacuum cleaner that would follow the kids around and put all their toys away
  6. A really large, open, warm kitchen with a big island in the middle
  7. New floors (maybe if we won the lottery Frank would be up for all wood floors 🙂
  8. Some electronic toys to play with: a Kindle: Amazon’s New Wireless Reading Device, a GPS unit for my car, an iTouch, an iPhone, …
  9. A personal chef to deliver tasty foods that meets my diet plan
  10. New bedroom furniture for us all
  11. A shunt that I can use to designate what food I eat should go to never-never land instead of my stomach
  12. A really cool restaurant with good food, good music, great atmosphere and a safe and fun place for the kids to play
  13. My own personal jet so I didn’t have to deal with commercial airports any more (although I kind of like them for some reason)
  14. Better yet, an instant personal transport machine that would just whisk us wherever we wanted to go in no time flat
  15. Fun and satisfying jobs for all my working friends

I’ve left off a few things but that’s a good start.