How to share a video on a blog

Here’s how to share a video on a blog:

  1. Capture a video.  I use the video function on my camera and then upload it just like I do my pictures.  One tip: make the video twice as long as you think it needs to be.
  2. Edit the video.  Anita uses Windows Movie Maker that comes free with Windows XP SP2. You might need to:
    1. Shrink the video.  Anything larger than 4-5 MB will take a long time to upload.
    2. Rotate it.
    3. Combine videos.  The one of Caleb in his bouncy swing is actually three videos.  (If you watch closely, you’ll see him bonk his head on the door frame and then it cuts to the next video!  He didn’t get hurt – it didn’t faze him at all – but it worried me enough to stop video taping!)
  3. Upload it to  You’ll need an account.
  4. Once you’ve uploaded it, YouTube will give you the code to paste in your blog.  Under "Edit Video Information," at the bottom of the page, there’s some code in the box called "Embed HTML."